Congratulations, you have already taken the first, and perhaps hardest step. You have come to this website looking for a way to improve your life.

Life Coaching is a process, not a magical bullet. It can take weeks, sometimes even months for it’s effects to become noticeable. It’s something that takes work, but the results are really worth it.

The process begins with you and a Life Coach organising a FREE consultation. This can be over the phone, or on some form of Web Chat (for example, Zoom), where you and your Life Coach explore the scope of what you are looking for, and you can see if you are a good fit for one another.

The second step is to book a series of sessions. Normally, these are booked in blocks of 6 45 minuet sessions, but this can be negotiated.

From there, the Life Coach will craft for you a process that is unique to you. It takes into account your goals, your needs and your limiting beliefs. The work doesn’t just happen in the sessions, there will be work for you to do between sessions, putting into practice the things that you have learned. It can be hard work, and but the process can revolutionise your life.