Life coaching is a process of learning how to nurture yourself.

A Life Coach aims to coach you through the ups and downs of life. They hold up a mirror to what you know about yourself, and help you tackle your own limiting beliefs. More importantly, they help you define and achieve your goals – whatever they happen to be.

Life Coaching grew out of sports coaching, and you may have heard the term ‘Mental Coach’ being used for the person that helps the sportsperson keep focused, engaged, and on track in their particular sport. In a similar way that a sports person needs someone to coach them with their sport, keeping them honest to their regime, focused on their sporting goals, and holding them accountable to them, so too does the Life Coach keep you focused and honest to what you are trying to achieve in your life.

Life Coaching is an active and focused part of individual wellness. It helps us to positively tackle the areas of our life that we are unhappy with, and to transform them into something that helps us to reach our own fulfilment.