Sadly, nothing comes for free.

Bywyd Life Coaching has several types of courses available, aiming to fit all types of pockets.

Session TypeCost
1 Individual Life Coaching Session, Online£35
1 Individual Life Coaching Session, On Site£45
6 Individual Life Coaching Sessions, Online£200
6 Individual Life Coaching Sessions, On Site£260
Group Booking Session, On Site (up to 6 people, 2 hours)£80
Table of Prices, Correct as of 15th July, 2022. Prices May Vary.

Bywyd Life Coaching also offers a range of courses that can be tailored to your specific group, or organisation. We can offer sessions for more than 6 people, which will require 2 life coaches. Prices available on application.

Bywyd Life Coaching is also working to offer it’s services free at the point of access to people who are struggling financially. Look out in your local area for our free ‘Uplift Your Life’ course, or follow our facebook page/Ko-Fi page for free advice and tips.